Time zone in South Africa (GMT+2)
Submit opportunity
You will be required to fill in the form below with as much detail as possible.
Tip: Submit all the required fields first to ensure that your form is submitted successfully so that you can update it at a later stage.
Section 1: Application Details
Title of Opportunity *
Deadline *
Application Link (preferred)
Please preferably include the application link.
Application Process (alternative to application link)
If an application link is not available please include a valid work email address for candidates to send their applications and instructions on what to include.
Featured Image *
Please attach a rectangular-shaped photo we can use for this opportunity.
Acceptable file formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG. File size should be less than 15mb.
Section 2: Classification
Category *
Type of Opportunity *
Field *
Section 3: Eligibility
Nationality of Candidates *
Location of Candidates
Occupation of Candidates *
Qualification(s) required *
Location of Opportunity
Status of Candidates in Location of Opportunity *
Experience Required
Other criteria for selection
Section 4: Benefits
Is it fully-funded, partially-funded or not-funded? *
Type of funding/financial incentives (if applicable) *
Details of financial incentives (where applicable)
What expenses in relation to participation are covered?
Other Benefits
If any - including training, exposure, incentives, advantages, mentorship, etc
General Details
Description of Opportunity *
In one or two paragraphs, give a summary of the opportunity.
Start Date of Opportunity
Duration of Opportunity