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1. Recruitment (only) Packages

Recruitment Basic

per opportunity


Recruitment Features

  • 5 shortlisted candidates.

  • Rating and ranking of applicants.

  • Dedicated company profile.​

  • Dedicated support team.

  • Comprehensive feedback report and analysis for the duration of opportunity.

Recruitment Standard

per month, per category


Recruitment Features

  • Up to 10 shortlisted candidates per opportunity in one category.

  • Rating and ranking of applicants.

  • Dedicated company profile.​

  • Dedicated support team.

  • Comprehensive feedback report and analysis for the duration of opportunity

Recruitment Enterprise

per month, all categories


Recruitment Features

  • Unlimited shortlisted candidates per opportunity in all categories.

  • Rating and ranking of applicants.

  • Dedicated company profile.​

  • Dedicated support team.

  • Comprehensive feedback report and analysis for the duration of opportunity

2. Classification of Recruitment Opportunity

Category *

Type of Opportunity *

Field *

3. Role Details

Title of Role *

Description of Role

In one or two paragraphs, give a summary of the opportunity. 

Duration of Role *

Deadline for applicants *

Choose a time

Application Link (if available)

Please preferably include the application link.

Application Process (alternative to application link) 

If an application link is not available please include a valid work email address for candidates to send their applications and instructions on what to include.

Featured Image *

Please attach a rectangular-shaped photo we can use for this opportunity.

Acceptable file formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG. File size should be less than 15mb.


Image or file submission of recruitment requirements

Please attach a rectangular-shaped photo we can use for this opportunity.

Acceptable file formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG. File size should be less than 15mb.


4. Candidate Details

Nationality of Candidates  *

Location of Candidates 

Occupation of Candidates

Qualification(s) required 

Location of Opportunity  *

Status of Candidates in Location of Opportunity  *

Experience Required 



Other criteria for selection

5. Benefits for Candidate

Type of financial incentives (if applicable) *

What's the value of the financial incentive? *

What expenses in relation to the role are covered?

What are the key candidate benefits?

If any - including training, exposure, incentives, advantages, mentorship, etc

6. Contact Details of Recruiter/Company Representative 

Contact Detail(s) and Contact Person(s)*

Please state the email address and contact person we can reach out to as ShareOpps.

Company Website(s)

7. Recruitment Survey Questions

What have been your pain points when it comes to hiring? *

E.g. high employee turnover, finding compatible candidates

Think of your top performers. Where / how did you find them? *

What channels are you currently using to source talent right now?*.

What talent assessment tools do you include in your recruitment process?*

role details
candidate details
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