Market opportunities & pre-recruit talent
Please check out our marketing packages below. If you have a query or are looking for something more specialised to your needs, please drop us an email at
Marketing Packages
*Available from 1 November 2021
Marketing Basic
per opportunity
Basic features
Post 1 opportunity
Company profile
'Add to Calendar' feature
Marketing platforms
Opportunities page
ShareOpps communities:
ShareOpps Societies
ShareOpps Chapters
Online groups
ShareOpps social media:
*Available from 1 November 2021
Marketing Standard
8 500
per month
(duration of 31days)
Basic features
Post 1 opportunity
Company profile [brand promotion]
'Add to Calendar' feature
Marketing platforms
Opportunities page [promoted ad]
ShareOpps communities [promote]:
ShareOpps Societies
ShareOpps Chapters
Online groups
ShareOpps social media:
Facebook [plus promotion credits]
Instagram [plus promotion credits]
LinkedIn [plus promotion credits]
Pre-recruitment candidate assessments
Pre-assessment of potential applicants from ShareOpps communities.
Rating and ranking of potential applicants.
Live Q&A with potential applicants.
Sponsored engagement content
ShareOpps Engagement platforms:
Podcast [sponsored content]
Twitter Spaces [sponsored content]
Forum [sponsored content]
Sponsored organic content administered by ShareOpps:
testimonials from previous candidates,
interviews with organisation representative(s)
live Q&A sessions, &
forum post, article or video.
Analytics and recommendations
'Add to Calendar' analytics.
Feedback and recommendations after the duration of the opportunity.
*Available from 1 November 2021
Marketing Enterprise
60 000
annually, unlimited opps
Basic features
Post unlimited opportunities
Company profile [brand promotion]
'Add to Calendar' feature
Marketing platforms
Opportunities page [promoted ad]
ShareOpps communities [promote]:
ShareOpps Societies
ShareOpps Chapters
Online groups
ShareOpps social media:
Facebook [plus promotion credits]
Instagram [plus promotion credits]
LinkedIn [plus promotion credits]
Pre-recruitment candidate assessments
Pre-assessment of potential applicants from ShareOpps communities.
Rating and ranking of potential applicants.
Live Q&A with potential applicants.
Sponsored engagement content
ShareOpps Engagement platforms:
Podcast [sponsored content]
Twitter Spaces [sponsored content]
Forum [sponsored content]
Sponsored organic content administered by ShareOpps:
testimonials from previous candidates,
interviews with organisation representative(s)
live Q&A sessions, &
forum post, article or video.
Analytics and recommendations
'Add to Calendar' analytics.
Feedback and recommendations after the duration of each opportunity.