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NB: We will only use your information for said purposes. Please view our Terms and Privacy Policy or email info@shareopps.co.za.
Graded compatibility
before initial review :
Advertise services & products on the Career Marketplace
Does your company have a career or venture-related service or product that you would like to market on our platform?
We invite you to share it with us and our members. As ShareOpps we are committed to sharing as many relevant and verified career-related services and products for young professionals, scholars and entrepreneurs.
1,200ZAREvery monthPay a fixed monthly fee- Advertise products and/or services
pay per sale
Apply for your product or service to be listed as an affiliate ShareOpps resource provider.
Pay agreed upon percentage of the sales price of the product or service only for confirmed purchases via an affiliate link, provided by your organisation. Please check out platforms such as Goaffpro if you do not have an affiliate platform.
Click the Application Taskbar under each opportunity for more (view sample below) or go to the full list of 'My Applications' for more.
Click the Application Taskbar under each opportunity for more (view sample below) or go to the full list of 'My Applications' for more.
Advertise services & products on the Career Marketplace
Does your company have a career or venture-related service or product that you would like to market on our platform?
We invite you to share it with us and our members. As ShareOpps we are committed to sharing as many relevant and verified career-related services and products for young professionals, scholars and entrepreneurs.
1,200ZAREvery monthPay a fixed monthly fee- Advertise products and/or services
pay per sale
Apply for your product or service to be listed as an affiliate ShareOpps resource provider.
Pay agreed upon percentage of the sales price of the product or service only for confirmed purchases via an affiliate link, provided by your organisation. Please check out platforms such as Goaffpro if you do not have an affiliate platform.
Community Engagement Sponsorship
per community engagement
*price list shown & emailed after submission
Sponsored event:
1. Community engagement
Sponsor a community engagement in the form of:
a ShareOpps Podcast,
a ShareOpps Spaces engagement, and
a ShareOpps Forum post
Brand sponsorship:
Exclusive branding and advertising of community engagement.
Company logo on poster advertising the engagement.
Company logo on all communications sent to attendees of the engagement.
Link to company website.
Promote company or venture careers (optional)
Provide company representative(s) for an interview.
Provide a company representative for a career Q&A session with ShareOpps members via Podcast, Forum and/or Spaces.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
A CSR report that the company can add to their corporate social responsibility portfolio.
Career Workshop Sponsorship
per career workshop
*price list shown & emailed after submission
Sponsored event(s):
1. Career workshop
Sponsor an exclusive career workshop with a minimum of 50 participants of students, young professionals and entrepreneurs.
2. Community engagement marketing:
Sponsor a community engagement in the form of:
a ShareOpps Podcast,
a ShareOpps Spaces engagement, and
a ShareOpps Forum post
Pre-recruitment attendee assessments
Access to attendee career profiles.
Brand sponsorship:
Exclusive branding and advertising at the career workshop.
Company logo on poster advertising the workshop.
Company logo on all communications sent to attendees of the workshop.
Link to company website.
Promote company or venture careers (optional)
Provide company representative(s) for an interview.
Provide a company representative for a career Q&A session with ShareOpps members via Podcast, Forum and/or Spaces.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
A CSR report that the company can add to their corporate social responsibility portfolio.